Profit and Loss Report
The Profit and Loss Report can be run over any given period and shows all your sales and expenses for that date range, with a Grand Total at the bottom.
If the Total is a plus figure then you've made a profit, if it's a negative figure, then you've made a loss.
It displays the total of all your sales categorised by Order Type, and all your purchases and expenses categorised by Purchase Type for the selected date range.
The image below shows an example of the Profit and Loss Report:

(The above image is quite a simplistic Profit and Loss report and you would most likely have more order and purchase type categories on your report.)
The Profit and Loss Report within Easify differs to the reports you might find in other programs as the Cost of Goods i.e the stock you purchase in for reselling, is included under the general purchases section rather than being separated out.
The Report shows all sales - whether raised via the Point of Sale or the Orders and Quotes screen and then calculates the totals for each Order Type. It also records all Purchases and Expenses and then calculates the totals for each Purchase Type.
It combines sales and orders from all Tills and PCs for that company, however it will only include any orders that are in an Active Status - i.e. Quotes, Cancelled or On Hold Orders will not be included.
The same applies to purchases and expenses and they must also be in an Active Status - i.e. Cancelled purchases will not be included.
The Order or Purchase must have a Ordered date within the selected date range for it to show on the report.
The Date Ordered can be found under the Billing tab of an Order and the Ordered on field can be found under the Scheduled tab of a Purchase.
Questions we're often asked:
There are Orders and Purchases / Expenses missing from the Profit and Loss Report:
This will be because the orders or purchases have a Date Ordered date which is outside the selected period, or they don't have an Date Ordered entered at all. The order or purchase also might not be active.
Click here to learn more about Order Statuses...The Profit and Loss Report shows different amounts to the Payments Received Report:
This is because all the Profit and Loss Report record all sales and purchases whether they have been paid or not, whereas the Payments Received Report only record payments.
For instance your customer may place an order with you, but not pay for the items until several days or weeks later. Therefore the order will show on the Profit and Loss Report on the day your customer places the order, however the Payments Received Report will record when any payments are made.
Things to note:
The report viewer was updated in V4.79 so if you're not seeing these features on your version then you will need to upgrade.
The ability to edit the reports can be granted via permissions under Security->Manage Users. By default users do not have permission to edit these reports.
- You can run the report retrospectively for any given date.
- You can save this report to Word, PDF, HTML, Rich or Plain Text using the save function.
- Once saved, you can use the in-built tools to format the report as you wish. However please note that any changes are just for this instance of the report. If you generate the report again, you will need to re-save and make your changes again.
- You can print this report using the print function.
Click here to learn more about raising a new order from the Orders and Quotes screen...
Click here to learn more about raising sales and orders in the Point of Sale...
Click here to learn more about raising Purchases and Expenses...