Product Status
Each product on an order can be assigned a status that helps you to keep track of the life cycle of the product as you fulfil your orders.
Product status does not change automatically, rather it is something that you and your staff change as an order is progressed. However if you process orders via the EPOS system the product status will be modified automatically.
Purchasing: The product is not in stock, and needs to be ordered.
On Order: The product is on order.
Picking: The product is in stock but has not yet been physically picked from it location.
Waiting to Go: The product is ready to go, or is being worked on prior to delivery.
Delivered: The product has been delivered and has left the premises.
Returned: The product has been returned.
Product Status and EPOS
When processing orders via the EPOS system, product status is automatically changed as the sale is processed.
While the sale is being progressed products will be assigned Waiting to Go status.
When payment is taken in full via the EPOS each product will be set to a status of Delivered.