V4 Legacy Help - Easify Server - Licensing Explained

Easify Server - Licensing Explained

Easify Server comes initially with a free 30 day trial period. After the 30 day trial expires the server will stop accepting client connections and you will need to purchase and install a valid Easify Server license.

Easify Server licenses are available to purchase in our online shop.

Easify Server licenses for on-premises installations are provided as ComputerLicenses, this means that the license is valid on a single computer, which in this case is the computer on which the server is installed.

Each Easify Server that you install will require its own Easify Server License.

Because the Server license is provided as a computer license, it is paid for by a single one off fee and there are no ongoing payments required.

Easify Server is not currently available on a subscription basis for on-premises installations, however you can purchase Easify Cloud Server on a monthly subscription basis.

Easify Server licenses are installed using the Easify Server Manager application on the computer that the server is installed on. Easify Server Manager is automatically installed when you install Easify.

For Easify Cloud Server your licensing is taken care of via your monthly subscription.

Click here for more information about Easify Server Manager.

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