Active Jobs List
The Active Jobs List is ideal for any member of staff who needs to oversee all the current work that you have in progress at any one time.
The report can be accessed from the top drop down menu under Reports->Production->Active Jobs List and it shows a list of all Orders that have an Active Status.

Order Statuses are an important element of Easify, and allows Easify to treat orders differently depending on their status.
The Active Jobs List only includes Orders that are considered Active or Quotes that are In Progress.
Once a Quote is moved to Quote Complete, or an Order is moved to Complete, Cancelled or On Hold it will no longer appear on this report.
To find out whether an Order Status is considered Active or Inactive go to Tools->Options->Orders and Quotes->Order Statuses:

New order statuses can also be added here to help manage your business work flow and you can select whether they are to be considered Active, Complete, Inactive or a Quote.
The statuses that show in Italics cannot be amended or deleted as they are mandatory and are required for various features of Easify to work correctly.
Click here to learn more about order statusesThings to note:
- You can only run off the report with todays data, not retrospectively.
- You can save this report to .pdf using the save function.
- You can print this report too using the print function.
- You can use the Binoculars to search for a product category on the report.
- You can use the Refresh button to refresh the data.