V4 Legacy Help - Help - Easify WooCommerce Plugin Settings


Before you can configure the Easify WooCommerce plugin, you will need to enter valid credentials.

The credentials you need to enter here are the Easify WooCommerce Plugin Subscription username and password that you setup when you purchased your subscription via the Easify website.

Easify Subscription Username

This is the username that you setup when you purchased your Easify WooCommerce Plugin Subscription.

It will be in the form of an email address i.e. MyWebsite@MyCompanyName.easify.co.uk.

When you created the username, you will have entered the MyWebsite part, and the @CompanyName.easify.co.uk part of it will have been auto-generated for you.

Easify Subscription Password

This is the password that you setup when you purchased your Easify WooCommerce Plugin Subscription.

If you cannot remember the password for your Easify WooCommerce Plugin Subscription, you can reset it via the Easify Website. Login to the Easify Website using your usual Easify Website login, and go to Home -> Manage My Account. You can manage your subscriptions from there.


Easify Order Status

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server with the Easify Order Status you specify here.

We recommend you set this value to New Order so that you know you have a new order to process in Easify.

Easify Order Type

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server with the Easify Order Type you specify here.

We recommend you set this value to Internet so that you know that the order came from the Internet in Easify.

Note: If you have created your own Order Types in Easify, you can select one of those if you wish. For example you could create an Order type of 'WooCommerce' in Easify and select that here so that you know the order came from your WooCommerce site.

Easify Order Comment

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and the Easify order comment will be set to the value you specify here.

The WooCommerce Order Number will be automatically appended to the comment that you enter here.


Easify Customer Type

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and the related Easify Customer will be given the Customer Type you specify here.

If you do not make use of customer types in Easify you can leave this as the default value (Not Known).

Easify Customer Relationship

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and the related Easify Customer will be given the Customer Relationship you specify here.

We recommend you set this to Active unless you have created your own custom Customer Types in Easify.


Product Updates - Don't Overwrite WooCommerce Categories

When you add a product to Easify and publish it, it will get uploaded to WooCommerce.

From then onwards, whenever the product is updated (price change, stock level change etc... The product will be updated in WooCommerce.

By default this will overwrite the any manual changes you have made to the Product Category in WooCommerce.

Normally this is what you want because if you change a products category in Easify, you will want it to also update in WooCommerce.

However there may be times when you want to change the product category manually in WooCommerce, for example to add the product to multiple categories.

In which case you can tick this box, which will prevent updates to Easify Products overwriting or resetting the categories settings that you have manually entered in WooCommerce.

The default setting is for this not to be ticked. In other words the usual mode of operation is to allow Easify to handle your product categories automatically.

Product Updates - Ignore Easify Product Updates

As standard when you publish a product from Easify to WooCommerce, the product will be linked from Easify to WooCommerce and any edits to the product that you make in Easify will be automatically published to WooCommerce. This is usually what you want, everything driven from Easify.

However if you need to be able to edit the product details (images, tags, attributes etc...) in WooCommerce and not have them overwritten by Easify you can enable this option.

When you tick Ignore Easify Product Updates it means that products that are published from Easify will be uploaded to WooCommerce, but from that point onwards only product price and stock level changes will be uploaded to WooCommerce. Editing the product image, tags, description etc... will not modify the product in WooCommerce.

Note: You can disable uploading of product stock levels by un-ticking the Enable stock control for this product checkbox on the Stock Levels tab of the product in Easify Pro.


WooCommerce Coupons

If you want to support WooCommerce coupons in Easify, create a product in Easify named (say) Discount and enter the Easify SKU of it here.

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, any coupons that were applied to the WooCommerce order will be added to the order in your Easify Server as the product specified here.

If you do not use WooCommerce coupons you can leave this field blank.

If you do use WooCommerce coupons and do not create a Discount product in Easify and enter its SKU here, any WooCommerce orders that have coupons applied will be sent to your Easify Server without a discount.


Flat Rate Shipping Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and if the WooCommerce order has a shipping method of Flat Rate, the Easify SKU you specify here will be added to the order in Easify.

If you want to support Flat Rate Shipping in Easify, create a new product in Easify named "Flat Rate Shipping" and enter the Easify SKU of that product here.

When the Flat Rate Shipping item is added to the order in Easify, its value will be set to the shipping cost that was calculated by WooCommerce.

Note: You don't have to create a separate Easify Product for each shipping method. If you prefer you can create one product in Easify for all of your WooCommerce shipping methods and use the same Easify SKU in each box here.

Free Shipping Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and if the WooCommerce order has a shipping method of Free Shipping, the Easify SKU you specify here will be added to the order in Easify.

If you want to support Free Shipping in Easify, create a new product in Easify named "Free Shipping" and enter the Easify SKU of that product here.

Note: You don't have to create a separate Easify Product for each shipping method. If you prefer you can create one product in Easify for all of your WooCommerce shipping methods and use the same Easify SKU in each box here.

International Delivery Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and if the WooCommerce order has a shipping method of International Delivery, the Easify SKU you specify here will be added to the order in Easify.

If you want to support International Delivery in Easify, create a new product in Easify named "International Delivery" and enter the Easify SKU of that product here.

When the International Delivery Shipping item is added to the order in Easify, its value will be set to the shipping cost that was calculated by WooCommerce.

Note: You don't have to create a separate Easify Product for each shipping method. If you prefer you can create one product in Easify for all of your WooCommerce shipping methods and use the same Easify SKU in each box here.

Local Delivery Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and if the WooCommerce order has a shipping method of Local Delivery, the Easify SKU you specify here will be added to the order in Easify.

If you want to support Local Delivery in Easify, create a new product in Easify named "Local Delivery" and enter the Easify SKU of that product here.

When the Local Delivery Shipping item is added to the order in Easify, its value will be set to the shipping cost that was calculated by WooCommerce.

Note: You don't have to create a separate Easify Product for each shipping method. If you prefer you can create one product in Easify for all of your WooCommerce shipping methods and use the same Easify SKU in each box here.

Default Delivery Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and if the WooCommerce order has a shipping method that is unsupported by the Easify plugin, the Easify SKU you specify here will be added to the order in Easify.

To allow for unsupported delivery options in Easify, create a new product in Easify named "Standard Delivery" and enter the Easify SKU of that product here.

When the Standard Delivery Shipping item is added to the order in Easify, its value will be set to the shipping cost that was calculated by WooCommerce.

Note: You don't have to create a separate Easify Product for each shipping method. If you prefer you can create one product in Easify for all of your WooCommerce shipping methods and use the same Easify SKU in each box here.


Easify Payment Comment

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server and a payment record will be created in Easify.

Here you can enter the comment that will be added to the payment record in Easify.

The payment method used by the customer will be appended to this value so if the customer pays using stripe the comment on the payment record in Easify will be 'Payment via website (stripe)'.

PayPal Payment Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server along with a payment record that describes how the order was paid for. Here you can configure how the payment records are sent to your Easify server.

Easify Payment Method: Select which payment method will be recorded in Easify for payments received via PayPal. We recommend selecting Bank Transfer .

Easify Payment Account: Select which account the payment will be associated with in Easify for payments received via PayPal. We recommend selecting PayPal .

Enabled: Tick this to enable payments to be recorded in Easify when a payment is received via PayPal. We recommend enabling PayPal payments to be sent to Easify as the payment will have been approved.

SagePay Payment Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server along with a payment record that describes how the order was paid for. Here you can configure how the payment records are sent to your Easify server.

Easify Payment Method: Select which payment method will be recorded in Easify for payments received via SagePay. We recommend selecting Credit Card .

Easify Payment Account: Select which account the payment will be associated with in Easify for payments received via SagePay. We recommend selecting Current .

Enabled: Tick this to enable payments to be recorded in Easify when a payment is received via SagePay. We recommend enabling SagePay payments to be sent to Easify as the payment will have been approved.

WorldPay Payment Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server along with a payment record that describes how the order was paid for. Here you can configure how the payment records are sent to your Easify server.

Easify Payment Method: Select which payment method will be recorded in Easify for payments received via WorldPay. We recommend selecting Credit Card .

Easify Payment Account: Select which account the payment will be associated with in Easify for payments received via WorldPay. We recommend selecting Current .

Enabled: Tick this to enable payments to be recorded in Easify when a payment is received via WorldPay. We recommend enabling WorldPay payments to be sent to Easify as the payment will have been approved.

Cash on Delivery Payment Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server along with a payment record that describes how the order was paid for. Here you can configure how the payment records are sent to your Easify server.

Easify Payment Method: Select which payment method will be recorded in Easify for payments received via Cash on Delivery. We recommend selecting Cash .

Easify Payment Account: Select which account the payment will be associated with in Easify for payments received via Cash on Delivery. We recommend selecting Cash .

Enabled: Tick this to enable payments to be recorded in Easify when a payment is received via Cash on Delivery. We recommend disabling Cash on Delivery payments from being sent to Easify as the payment will not have yet been received.

Cheque Payment Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server along with a payment record that describes how the order was paid for. Here you can configure how the payment records are sent to your Easify server.

Easify Payment Method: Select which payment method will be recorded in Easify for payments received via Cheque. We recommend selecting Cheque .

Easify Payment Account: Select which account the payment will be associated with in Easify for payments received via Cheque. We recommend selecting Current .

Enabled: Tick this to enable payments to be recorded in Easify when a payment is received via Cheque. We recommend disabling Cheque payments from being sent to Easify as the payment will not have yet been received.

Direct Bank Transfer Payment Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server along with a payment record that describes how the order was paid for. Here you can configure how the payment records are sent to your Easify server.

Easify Payment Method: Select which payment method will be recorded in Easify for payments received via Direct Bank Transfer. We recommend selecting Bank Transfer .

Easify Payment Account: Select which account the payment will be associated with in Easify for payments received via Direct Bank Transfer. We recommend selecting Current .

Enabled: Tick this to enable payments to be recorded in Easify when a payment is received via Direct Bank Transfer. We recommend disabling Direct Bank Transfer payments from being sent to Easify as the payment will not have yet been received.

Default Payment Mapping

When an order is placed via WooCommerce, it will be sent to your Easify Server along with a payment record that describes how the order was paid for. Here you can configure how the payment records are sent to your Easify server.

Easify Payment Method: Select which payment method will be recorded in Easify for payments where the payment method is not recognised by the Easify plugin. We recommend selecting Other .

Easify Payment Account: Select which account the payment will be associated with in Easify for payments where the payment method is not recognised by the Easify plugin. We recommend selecting Current .

Enabled: Tick this to enable payments to be recorded in Easify when a payment is received where the payment method is not recognised by the Easify plugin. We recommend disabling default payments from being sent to Easify as the payment may not have yet been received.

Note: If you have a payment method in WooCommerce that is not listed here, you can modify the Default Payment Mapping to suit the unknown payment method. For example if the unknown payment method is an unrecognised credit card processor you could set the default payment mapping to use the Credit Card payment method, the Current payment account and to be enabled.


Easify Plugin Logging

Here you can enable logging for the Easify WooCommerce Plugin.

When this option is enabled the Easify Plugin will record diagnostic logs to help you troubleshoot problems with your Easify WooCommerce integration.

The log file will be saved in the WordPress Easify WooCommerce plugin logs folder as easify_log.txt.

NOTE: We recommend only enabling logging for troubleshooting problems, as the log file can very rapidly grow to take up a lot of disk space.

Click here to learn more about troubleshooting Easify WooCommerce Plugin connection problems.

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