Payment Sense Overview

Easify supports integrated card processing when used in conjunction with a card terminal provided by Payment Sense.
From the Easify Point of Sale screen you can easily send a credit card transaction to the card terminal, and as the card transaction is processed, you will be able to monitor the progress of the transaction as it happens from the Point of Sale window.
When a card payment is taken via the Easify Point of Sale system, your customers will get a single till receipt which includes their Easify receipt with the card receipt included within it. This means your customer does not get a separate card receipt and till receipt, making future returns processing much easier and giving your business a polished and slick appearance.
Using a Payment Sense card terminal with Easify you can process Chip & PIN, Contactless and Cardholder not present transactions.
Cashback is also supported if you want to offer this as a service to your customers.
Card refunds can also be processed easily from the Easify Point of Sale.
And end of day reporting is simplified and can be carried out from Easify without having to touch the card terminal.
PCI-DSS requirements are minimal when using Payment Sense in conjunction with Easify.
Click here to learn more about getting started with Payment Sense.