V4 Legacy Help - Finance - Reconciliation Window

Finance - Reconciliation Window

Reconciliation Window

Under the main Reconciliation window you will see all Receipts and Payments for the Account you’ve selected. You can sort by any column to make it easier. You can display this window full screen if it helps.

  • Save the progress of the reconciliation.
  • Edit the settings of the current reconciliation
  • Complete the current reconciliation.

Reconcile All checkboxes – Check this box to select all items in the corresponding list.

Reconciled – Displays the amount that has been reconciled.

Starting Balance – The balance at the start of the period you are reconciling as it appears on your bank statement.

Ending Balance – The balance at the end of the period you are reconciling as it appears on your bank statement.

Running Total – This updates and displays the amount that has been reconciled as you progress through the reconciliation and check off entries.

Difference – The difference between what has been reconciled and the ending balance.

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