V4 Legacy Help - Help - Getting started with Payment Sense

Getting Started with Payment Sense

Easify is ready to work straight out of the box with Payment Sense, so all you need to do is contact them and arrange to setup a Payment Sense account.

Payment Sense will be able to assist you with setting up the banking aspects of card processing, as well as providing you with a card terminal that will work with Easify.

NOTE: To use Payment Sense with Easify you need to be running Easify V4.44 or later.

Configuring Easify

Payment Sense will provide you with two pieces of information that you will need to configure Easify.

  • Payment Sense Host Address
  • API Key

Go to Easify Options via the Easify Main Windows Tools menu...

Click the Finance tab on the left, and then select the Payment Sense tab at the top.

Tick Enable Payment Sense on this computer to enable Payment Sense.

In the Host Address box enter your Payment Sense host address as provided to you. Note: this should be without https:// at the start.

Enter your API Key in the API Key box.

Then click the Refresh button which will contact Payment Sense and obtain the Terminal Id for your card terminal.

Note: If you have multiple terminals, you can select the Terminal Id of the terminal you would like to associate with this computer from the Terminal Id drop down list.

If you have requested to enable cashback payments with Payment Sense, you can choose where cashback payments get routed to with the "Route cashback payments to the" drop down list.

NOTE: The way cashback payments are processed by Easify is that every time you process a cashback payment from a till, the cash amount is transferred internally from the till account into a built in temporary cashback account. And when you cash up at the end of the day, the money in the cashback account is transferred in Easify to the account specified here e.g. the Current account.

Note that the money is not physically transferred to your current bank account, rather the money is transferred to the internal Easify account to assist with bookkeeping and end of day cashing up.

Enable the Receipt Printer

The final step in configuration will be to make sure you have enabled and configured your receipt printer.

When you use a Payment Sense card terminal with Easify, all the receipts that would have been printed by the card terminal will now be printed directly by Easify to it's receipt printer.

Click here to learn more about setting up a receipt printer in Easify.

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