Connecting to an Easify Cloud Server
An Easify Cloud Server is an Easify Server that we host for you in the Azure Cloud, and that you log into using the Easify Pro V4 client software from anywhere that has internet access.
Easify Cloud Server is purchased as a monthly subscription, and it is fully managed by Easify for you so that you don't need to worry about keeping offsite backups (we automatically backup your data to separate physical locations), and we take care of maintaining and updating the server hardware on which your Easify Cloud Server is hosted.
Purchasing an Easify Cloud Server Subscription
To get started with Easify Cloud Server you will need a subscription for it..
Easify Cloud Server subscriptions are available for purchase in our shop.
When you purchase your Easify Cloud Server subscription, we will contact you by email to confirm your business name, and will then configure and provision your new server.
Installing the Easify Pro V4 Client
In order to access your Easify Cloud Server you will need to be using the Easify Pro V4 Client software.
If you haven't already installed the Easify Pro V4 Client, you will need to install it. Please refer to our help article Installing an additional Easify Pro Client for more information.
Launching Easify Pro and Discovering your Easify Cloud Server
When we have emailed you to tell you your Easify Cloud Server is up and running, you can launch Easify Pro and discover your new Easify Cloud Server.
Discovery is the process whereby the Easify Pro client software automatically detects your Easify server.
When you launch Easify Pro for the first time (assuming there are no Easify Servers installed on your local network), after a short while Easify Pro will tell you that it could not find an Easify Server on your local network.

The prompt will ask you if you want to search for a remote Easify Server online? Respond Yes to this.
Next you will be asked for your username and password.

You don't need to worry about this because with an Easify Cloud Server we will have done that for you!
Enter your username and password. This will be the username and password that you use to log into the Easify Website, and will be the same username and password that you associated with your Easify Pro User Subscription.
Click the Discover button to discover your Easify Cloud Server.
Depending on the speed of your internet connection, the discovery process might take a minute or so to complete. After which time you will be prompted to log into your Easify Cloud Server and you can start to use it.