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 Revise the inventory system with changing the product name and stock level

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Posted by Brian

Revise the inventory system with changing the product name and stock level


I got the issue that I need to rearrange my inventory which is about rename them all. The point is that I have about 2000 SKUs so surely cannot done by hand. So what I did so far is create the new name in the extracted file from Easify program which to import back later into the system.

However would it be the case that we old name and new name will not replacing each other completely?

And so how about the stock and orders data which is link to the old product name? How can I link them to the new name list? Or is it possible for me to simple delete all the old stock and orders data since I need to recount the stock level as well.

Hope to hearing from you guys soon.

Many thanks,


Brian Ng

Posted by Richard

Re: Revise the inventory system with changing the product name and stock level

Hi Brian,

You could export the products with their Easify SKUs to a CSV file, modify the product names and then re-import them. When you re-import a product with an existing Easify SKU the import will update the existing product rather than creating a new one.

However, as you mentioned any old orders referencing the existing products would reference the new product names. So changing a product description should only be done in this way if the product is actually staying the same.

For example, you could change an "Apple" into a "Juicy Apple" - any old orders would then contain a Juicy Apple instead of an apple. But you couldn't change "Apple" into "Banana" because your existing orders would then say you had been selling Bananas whereas they products we originally apples.

If the products are changing (apples becoming bananas) I'd recommend discontinuing the old products so that they stay on the system for existing order history, and create new products.

If the product descriptions are being changed but the products are fundamentally the same, then you can do the export/import process to update their descriptions.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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