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 Post your feature requests for FP6

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Posted by peter

Re: Post your feature requests for FP6

Richard said:

peter said:

Could we have a 'Date Opened/Created' visible on the Order Screen please? We don't always capture all the information required to invoice a job and might well move it between users to do so. When you then 'open' the Order from the LHS you see the detail but not an indication of how much time has elapsed since the Job was created.

Hi Peter, can you clarify this one for me please?

By 'Date Opened/Created' do you mean the date the order was created? We have a Date Raised indication on the billing tab if so?

Hi Richard - indeed and admit to having missed that. However, in my defence it would be useful to see it on the main page. Under 'Trade Sale' perhaps? Alternatively, and perhaps even better as the first column under 'My Active Jobs' Dates provide far more urgency than do numbers (job)

Posted by Richard

Re: Post your feature requests for FP6

Hi Peter,

With you there, it would be handy to surface the info a bit more. But then again we don;t want to make the UI too cluttered. I will certainly raise it to be looked at.

Might be able to do something with the active jobs list, we've got a bug open at the moment to add the ability to sort by date in the My Active Jobs, so might be doing a bit of work in there before FP6.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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