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 Various suggestions and issues

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Posted by Richard

Re: Various suggestions and issues

Adrian Bhagat said:

Can't the Product Editor be a modeless dialog rather than an MDI child? I don't mean to tell you your job, I'm just curious

You'd like to think so 

The problem is if we make it non modal it causes problems when it is opened from other parts of the application, you end up with the product details falling behind other Windows, and it also creates other issues when we have a modeless form creating another modal form that then tries to create a modeless form.

Like I said, it's a really frustrating problem to overcome with out a major re-write because there is always some scenario that breaks.

Ultimately we will re-code it in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and the problem will go away.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Richard

Re: Various suggestions and issues

Adrian Bhagat said:

Re: the Paperwork problem

If I print the in-built documents, they work instantly. The program only hangs when I try to print my custom paperwork.

This is strange, can you load the document in the Paperwork designer, and export it to a rep file (button on the top left toolbar in the paperwork designer) and email it to support@easify.co.uk? We can Import the document here and see if we get any performance problems.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Richard

Re: Various suggestions and issues

Adrian Bhagat said:

It's a fairly low-spec machine:

Dual core 2.5Ghz, 3GB Ram running 64-bit Windows 7

Looking at the server log, the step that causes the delay is 'Checking database schema for pending updates...'

All the other steps only take seconds but this bit can be 1 to 3 minutes. (Actually it seems to take exactly a minute so perhaps something is timing out?)

It shouldn't be that slow with that spec. What's the CPU usage like when idling?

Are the disks running at full speed? Might be worth running a bench mark tool to see what disk read/write speed you're getting?

If you can email your server log to support@easify.co.uk we can take a look at the timings in there for you. The database schema check usually takes seconds, so there's something not right there.

It's possible that anti-virus or personal firewall software is interfering with the database checks.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Adrian Bhagat

Re: Various suggestions and issues

39) If I get an order from someone for which I need to order stock, I add a new order, set the products to 'Picking' an the order status to 'In Progress'. Even though no payment has been taken, the orders get included in the sales report for that day, so the totals don't tally with the till cashing up report. Since payment hasn't been taken, the order hasn't been fulfilled and no invoice issued, the sale hasn't happened yet, so I think it's wrong to add them to the report (I may be setting statuses wrongly though).

40) If you accidentally record a sale with the wrong payment method, it's a very long winded method to fix it.

41) The program should help with keeping shelves stocked from the store room (one of the more onerous tasks for a shop like mine). For example, I might have room for 6 tins of baked beans on the shop shelf but I have 20 tins in the store room. I can tell Easify about the space on the shelf and the number currently in the shop. If I sell two tins then Easify will know that these have been sold from the shelves. At some point, I want to generate a report to restock the shelves and the report tells me that I need to transfer two tins from the storeroom to the display shelf (this could be an interactive tool so that once I done it, the information is updated in Easify quickly).

Posted by Adrian Bhagat

Re: Various suggestions and issues

42) If you set the reorder amounts for a product but then turn off 'Reorder when stock low', the stock amount still shows in red in the product list if the stock number is lower than the (now disabled) low stock number.

43) Products are often priced by the case - e.g. they may be £20 for a case of 6. To enter the buy price, I have to open Calculator to work out the buy price and paste it back in (Easify rounds this to 4 d.p. when you close the dialog which can lead to rounding errors on the price)

It would be nice to be able to enter the case size and case price and have Easify do that for me.

Alternatively, the price field could have a pop-up calculator to save switching to another program.

44) When uploading to WooCommerce, there could be option to prepend the item name with the manufacturer name. This would save having to repeat the manufacturer in the item name. (Or, the manufacturer could be added as a product attribute)

Posted by Adrian Bhagat

Re: Various suggestions and issues

45) (trivial) If you add a single item to the POS and then remove it, the pole display doesn't update - it still shows the item and total.

46) An option to not print a receipt by default would be good. Most of my customers don't want their receipt but a few do. I've enabled the option screen after checkout but I have to uncheck the receipt print option for every transaction. I would like to be able to turn off receipt printing but still be able to print a reciept with Ctrl-P.

47) When you select items in the Product list, the status bar in that window should update to show the number selected

48) The POS should show the total number of items in the current basket - this is helpful if you need to do a count to make sure you haven't missed anything.

49) The 'total value of stock' report should include the figure for the VAT paid, or should separate stock by VAT rate. When you register for VAT, you can claim back input VAT paid on stock bought before your date of registration provided you still have the items, so the VAT paid figure is very useful then.

50) When you print a receipt on taking payment, the till drawer doesn't kick until the receipt has finished printing, so you have to wait before you can give change. I think it would be better to kick the drawer before printing so you can be sorting out the change while the receipt prints.

Posted by Adrian Bhagat

Re: Various suggestions and issues

51) Bug: Create two products with the same EAN, then mark the first one as discontinued. If you then scan the barcode in the POS it shows the first item in the POS (and will warn of stock issues) instead of the second one.

52) In the Paperwork Designer, it would be good to have a 'Shrink to fit' option on text fields so that the font size is reduced to ensure the text fits in the design.

53) I'm trying to use the Paperwork Designer to print 70x40mm shelf labels but each one appears on a separate A4 page instead of being assembled on a single page.

54) It would be nice the POS or the receipt printer collated repeated items into a single line (so if you scan two identical items it just increments the quantity instead of adding a new line)

Posted by Adrian Bhagat

Re: Various suggestions and issues

55) When using the WooCommerce connector for more than one site, I would want to be able to choose difference products to each site.

56) When using F6 to adjust the price in the POS screen, it would be helpful to be able to see the buy price and set the sale price relative to that (e.g. to sell the item for 10% over the buy price - perhaps for multiple items in one go)

57) I'd like to be able to see which items reached zero stock level, so that I can adjust the restock level to avoid that in the future. Perhaps Easify could set a flag in the product details when this happens. In fact, it would be helpful to see a day-by-day stock level history for a product so you can monitor sales and can account for periods in which the item was out of stock.

Posted by Richard

Re: Various suggestions and issues

Thanks again for the excellent feedback Adrian, please find replies below.

If you would like to discuss a particular topic in more detail please can you start a new thread for it so it will be easier for us to re-cap what has been said about that issue?

You can continue to add more feedback items to this post if you like, but further discussion of an individual point would be easier in a new thread for each.

Adrian Bhagat said:

I've been using Easify for 6 months now and I've got various suggestions for minor improvements that would make it easier to use. Apologies for dumping them all here.


1) It takes 3-5 minutes for the server to start up after my machine has booted up. It's a long delay if you have customers waiting.

2) Sometimes, the server doesn't start on its own and I have to use Server Manager

These sound like issues with the PC and/or Windows installation. On most machines Easify Server starts in about 20 seconds, so I would suggest looking at whether there is a problem with a local firewall or anti-virus software. Also check the Windows Event Viewer at startup to see what might cause a delay in the Easify Server Service starting.

Adrian Bhagat said:

Keyboard shortcuts

There are various places where you would expect keyboard shortcuts to work but they haven't been implemented. For example:

3) In the product list (and similar views), Ctrl-A should select all products; return (or space) should open the product for editing; Delete should delete the select products; in the category tree, F2 should rename the selected category and Delete should delete.

4) In the product editor, Return should OK the dialog (unless editing a multiline edit field)

Keyboard shortcuts for every control need to be manually coded in Easify and sometimes these get overlooked due to their sheer numbers, or occasionally can't be implemented for technical reasons. We can raise feature requests for any specific shortcuts that are required.

Adrian Bhagat said:


5) It would be nice to be able to add products to a top level category and to have multi-level categories. Also, to be able to add products to multiple categories. This would work better with the WooCommerce integration.

6) You should be able to rearrange categories by dragging them in the Products view.

5) A good point though would require a major code re-write. This sort of functionality can be looked at in the future when we look at implementing Bill of Materials.

6) Currently they are listed alphabetically, this is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.

Adrian Bhagat said:


7) Some items don't have barcodes and so you need to add them using the search. This is slow just to add something like a 5p plastic bag. It would be better to have customisable buttons on the POS that let you add often-bought items with a single press.

8) The search box in the POS only does a text search. it would be much better if you could look through the categories, like you can in the Products view. Failing that, being able to drag products from the Products view to the POS would help.

9) I don't think there is a way to add a discount to the whole shopping cart in one go. I offer staff a 10% discount but currently I have to edit each item in turn. Being able to set a discount for each customer would be helpful here.

10) When using F6 to edit the price, it always rounds to the nearest penny for each item. So, you can't offer three items for £2 due to the rounding error.

11) There needs to be some more intrusive feedback on the POS screen when a stock code is not found. If you are scanning multiple barcodes and not looking at the screen, you wouldn’t know that anything was wrong and so you would give the customer a product without it being rung up on the POS. Perhaps show an error item that stays in the list in bright red, or a modal error dialog (that isn't closed with the return keypress generated by the barcode reader)

12) It would be helpful to have a way to complete checkout for no payment. For example, if I want to use an item from the shop for business purposes, I have to edit it in the product list, which is slowed. I would like to be able to add items through the POS, checkout and set the prices to 0, perhaps specifying a reason (stolen/missing/broken/used internally/given away as a sample etc). That way, the stock levels will be updated and I will have a record of where the stock has gone. This is also a way to stop staff pilfering: staff could be unable to edit the stock quantity of an item but given a way to add and remove items from stock using a method that leaves a record of the stock level adjustment.

13) I would like an option to always open the POS screen as non-maximised.

14) I'd like an option to skip the cashing up on the till.

7) Customisable buttons/button overlay panels is in our feature request list.

8) With the POS we purposefully keep it simplified compared to the back-end systems (Products main Window, Order Details Window). Mainly we try to keep the POS to keyboard and barcode scanner data entry.

9) We have this raised as a feature request and will be part of a forthcoming discounting system (BOGOF,Multibuy etc…).

10) Added to our bug list for future investigation

11) Added to our feature request list for future investigation

12) Added to our feature request list for future investigation

Adrian Bhagat said:

Orders & Quotes

15) When you open Orders & Quotes, it shows all the orders from the current year. For a busy shop in December this takes a long time. It would be good to be able to set a more specific date filter. Usually I just want to see orders from today/yesterday.

16) It would be helpful to be able to reprint a receipt from a previous order, not just the most recent one. This could be an option when you open an order.

15) We have this as a feature request on our system - we intend to add in the date range buttons as found in the product history and cashbook, and to have the default date range customisable.

16) Added to our feature request list for future investigation

Adrian Bhagat said:

Products View/Editor

17) The search box only does a direct text search rather than searching for each word (so searching for 'red shoe' wouldn't find a product called 'shoe - red').

18) Triple-clicking the search box should select all; this would help when you have entered several words and want to delete them to search for something else.

19) The search box should have a drop-down history or autocomplete for old searches.

20) It would be nice to set temporary sale prices for items, whilst keeping a record of the original price

21) It would be good to be able to disable the automatic calculation of prices from the margin - sometimes I want to be able to edit the purchase price without changing the sale price.

22) Editing large numbers of products in one go is very slow. Committing a change to 2000 products takes around 30 minutes. Deleting 25 products takes 12 seconds.

23) You can add a new manufacturer from the Product Editor, but not a new Supplier.

17) This is due to performance reasons, as we fine tune the performance of product searches we will be able to allow for a more fine grained search.

18) We will consider that for a future update.

19) A nice feature to have

20) This would potentially feature in the forthcoming discounting system.

21) We are currently working on changes to the financial core of Easify that would allow this.

22) Again, this is down to performance tuning due to the way that Easify V4 uses internet compatible communication protocols.

You can add a new supplier by clicking the Supplier button in the product editor.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Richard

Re: Various suggestions and issues

Adrian Bhagat said:

38) I'd like to be able to add custom attributes and tags to products, which could be synchronised with WooCommerce. For my online catalogue, for example, I would like to tag food products that are organic, gluten free etc. It would be helpful to be able to set these in Easify and have the information uploaded to WooCommerce. Also custom text attributes such as an ingredient list.

We will be releasing a new version of Easify Pro in the next few weeks along with a new update for the Easify WooCommerce plugin which will include support for product tags.

You will be able to enter product tags directly into Easify, and the tags will automatically upload to WooCommerce when the product is updated.

The bulk product editor has also been modified so you can select multiple products and set their tags at the same time.

You will also be able to import product tags using the Easify Product Importer.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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