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 VAT on stock

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Posted by Jowo

VAT on stock


On the stock value report is there a way off finding out how much VAT has been paid on the VAT applicable goods

Posted by Richard

Re: VAT on stock

Hi Jowo,

This report doesn't show VAT. If you could let me know what you want to use the VAT info for there will probably be another way to get at the data you are after.  

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Jowo

Re: VAT on stock

Hi Richard

We are just going VAT registered and are accountant wants to know what stock we have,what it is worth and how much VAT has been paid on it?



Posted by mohamed.tarmohamed

Re: VAT on stock

You can do this by Going to Reports > Finance > Purchases, enter the date range. It will then show you The Net Cost, VAT Paid in Total and Total Gross

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