Observations and Requests
After evaluating Easify we decided to purchase it and see if we could get it to work for us. As a retailer of over 4000 product lines, these are our observations;
Forced to have Sub-categories we had to create sub-categories just to use Easify even though we did not want them or need them.
Forced to have a manufacturer We had to put ourselves as the manufacturer as we do not use or deal with manufacturers, only suppliers.
Forced Profit margins We do not trade on fixed margins but set our prices to be competative for each product. We also buy from more then one supplier for each product so if we get a better price from one of them we then have to reset the retail for each product as it is automatically changed.
Retail Price to two decimal points we may charge a customer £4.95 but easify sets this from £4.9455 upwards. this means we have to adjust the retail price again to show correctly in the epos application for every change of cost price.
Our feature requests are;
To have more then one contact on the Suppliers details page, as we use more then one person at each supplier, i.e accounts, orders, sales rep, deliveries.
A main Email Addrees field on the suppliers main contact details, after all this is the electronic era.
A Mobile number field for the Supplier Contacts Details
Option to choose fields required in details pages. For instance do we all need to have a country field?
Although we don't need to have a sub-category every time, we do need on some categories to have a sub-category, sub-category. In the form of Dog-Dog Food - Wet, or Dog-Dog Food-Moist
Customer Loyalty or rewards
Option to duplicate product details with a click we may have up to 20 variations on the same product, ie colour or size options, it would save time to be able to duplicate a product and change one word etc. Creating a spreadsheet and then importing it takes more time and can lead to errors.
When creating purchases, a picking list off all products bought from that supplier I know you can do a search in the product details and CTRL Click the products you are interested in, then drop them in the purchase. You then have to choose how many you want of each item. A picking list would enable you to see the quantity of each item in stock and you can choose the quantity required then. It would also eliminate the need for a stock needed report.
Option to only print a category in the Pricelists. When a customer asks for a price list they don't want all 4000+ lines and 120+ pages, only the stuff they are interested in. The same would apply to the stock take and stock required lists. This would save a lot of trees
Multiple Suppliers for each Productwe have some seventy suppliers and buy any number of products from as many as four different suppliers. A drop down list of suppliers for each product with their relevant product codes, pricing etc, would be very useful.
No compulsary fields in reports, price lists, barcode labels etc. an example is; manufaturer in all, we don't use manufacturers and our name appears on everything because we are forced to have a manufacturer.
Email Purchase Orders I know you can print the purchase order then save it as a PDF then attach it to the email, but it would be easier if you clicked the email address on the purchase order and it was already attached.
EPOS Client At the moment we can have the database, client and epos application on one Terminal, or the database on one and the client and epos on another. Our sales staff do not need access to the client, so a seperate epos client for use on another terminal would very useful.
Product Notes on Epos our product notes relate to instructions on how to use a product or its guidelines etc. It would be useful for the product notes to appear above the F4 field for the sales staff to have at hand.
And finally for now, do we really need to be asked "are you sure?" on every action we take.