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 Price List Reports - Order by AtoZ, or description not just price

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Posted by Arthur

Price List Reports - Order by AtoZ, or description not just price

Hi would it be possible to implement options to order the price list reports not just by the default which seems to be price, but also by A to Z sorting or by description.

Even by sorting the products window before running the report doesn't seem to change anything in the report view

This would be great for us to be able to print price lists of screws for example that are in order of size.

Kind Regards


Posted by Richard

Re: Price List Reports - Order by AtoZ, or description not just price

Thanks for the suggestion Arthur.

I will add this to our feature request list to we can see if it can be implemented in a future update.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Richard

Re: Price List Reports - Order by AtoZ, or description not just price

Logged under feature request #3766.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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