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 Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

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Posted by Paulandrina

Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

Can anyone help with this one. I have done the first import of my stock items but unfortunately used fractions not percentages as the margins i.e 0.29 rather than 29 for 29% margin. So with a cost price of £1 I now have a retail price of 1.029 and so on.

Strangely though on correcting the csv file and importing again the margin figs don't update. How can I change the margins on my products - don't say manually - there are 300 of them!

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


Posted by Richard

Re: Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

Hi Paul and welcome to the forums  

You can change the margins on entire product categories or subcategories from within Easify.

Find the product category you want to change the margins for in the main products Window, right click it and select Change Margins. This will change all the margins in that catergory to whatever you specify.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Paulandrina

Re: Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

Richard said:

Hi Paul and welcome to the forums :)

You can change the margins on entire product categories or subcategories from within Easify.

Find the product category you want to change the margins for in the main products Window, right click it and select Change Margins. This will change all the margins in that catergory to whatever you specify.

Ok I see that, but I'm not really trying to have SubCat defined margins. Our products are each differing for margin because we price relative to manufacturer's RRP not to cost price. My main question in fact is why, having uploaded a whole catalogue of products with unique but incorrect margins, I don't seem to be able to edit them on subsequent uploads.



Posted by Richard

Re: Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

Hi Paul,

At the moment the product importer does not support re-importing margins, however we have an approved feature request on the system already for the next update to Easify to change this so that you can re-import the product margins.

For now the only way would be to delete the products and re-import them with the correct margins.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Paulandrina

Re: Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

Right, when will the update be coming out? That will be a really useful one for me.

So I have to work out how to cope until that update comes out. Presumably I can change margins manually. Can I really delete the whole product database and reimport? As I have done some test sales of a few products it isn't letting me delete those products claiming they are part of orders, quotes or there is stock of them. I still can't delete them if I manually reduce stock to zero.



Posted by Richard

Re: Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

The update will be early next year, so isn't going to help you with the immediate issue.

If you've imported the products then there shouldn't be any reason why you can't delete them and import them again. It's worth testing any imports you do in demo mode first in case you do get any other glitches.

Also remember to backup your database from within Easify before doing an import so that you can revert to a previous state if needs be.

If you only have test orders on the system you can delete the products from the test orders, and when a product has no reference to it from any order or quote you will be able to delete it. You will need to delete the product from the order, setting its qty to zero won't do it.

Let me know if you have any trouble getting back to where you need to be, we can always arrange to remote in and help.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Paulandrina

Re: Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

Hi Richard, when is this update coming out? "Early next year" is fast passing by and no sign yet. What is the list of upgrade features that will be incorporated?



Posted by Richard

Re: Changing Stock Margins/Mark Ups

Paulandrina said:

Hi Richard, when is this update coming out? "Early next year" is fast passing by and no sign yet. What is the list of upgrade features that will be incorporated?



The update should be out in a few weeks.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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