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 Making Tax Digital

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Posted by Marcus

Making Tax Digital

Hello Alison, We use SAGE as our accounts package and we have recently had a meeting with our accountant regarding the MTD requirement for full digital integration between business systems and the accounts systems being used in an organisation. Is EASIFY able to electronically transfer sales transactions into third party accounts packages?


Posted by Alison

Re: Making Tax Digital

Hi Marcus, V4 of Easify is fully MTD ready so you can use it to file your VAT returns direct with HMRC. However if you still wish to use Sage you can export your sales data to a .csv file and import the data into Sage.

Posted by Marcus

Re: Making Tax Digital

Thanks for the reply we are currently running version 3.85 of Easify with some additional features that you very kindly created for us, will we loose any of this current functionality if we go for the latest version? Does the CSV file for sales transfer seamlessly into SAGE of does it require manual adjustments to be done?


Posted by Alison

Re: Making Tax Digital

Yes you would lose any bespoke features if you upgraded to V4. As we don't support Sage, we wouldn't be able to advise on how seamlessly the data from Easify would export into it.

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