[SOLVED] - Could not Get VAT Obligations from HMRC. The provided Vrn is invalid (VRN_INVALID)
When you attempt to retrieve your VAT obligations from HMRC via Making Tax Digital you receive the following error:
Could not Get VAT Obligations from HMRC. The provided Vrn is invalid (VRN_INVALID)
This will happen if you have entered your VAT Registration Number (VAT Reg. No.) incorrectly in the Easify VAT Settings Window. https://www.easify.co.uk/Help/vat_settings
To resolve this, ensure that you have correctly entered your VAT Registration Number in the Easify VAT Settings. You can include the "GB" prefix in the VAT Reg. No. if you wish, but the remainder should only consist of numbers and no special characters such as space, hyphen, hash, asterisk etc...
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)