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 Easify Pro Trial - Thoughts

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Posted by Rasp

Easify Pro Trial - Thoughts

We have just completed a 3 week trial with Easify Pro desktop software

We are generally quite impressed with Easify desktop and we will be initially buying 1 server and 2 computer licenses. Furthermore we are also quite impressed with the Technical Service you have also provided

Lets assume MTD and Payment Plans are published without issues in the next few days

I have the following comments to make:

It is disappointing that you have not enabled SQL Data connection with the Desktop version

The reasons you give are tenuous and I really think you should reconsider

Aged Debtors but especially Creditors Reports on a certain date are really required

The month end picture of Creditors is never fully known until all Purchase invoices are in (middle of the next month)

Profit per order is shown at the touch of a button - It would be extremely useful if this was recorded in the sales reports

Sales & Purchase Ledger discount is really needed

Bulk Payment module required including allocation

Entry into the Cash book without buying a product would be very useful

Remembering the last window position and size important

You have a very good stable product and I hope the development continues

Posted by Richard

Re: Easify Pro Trial - Thoughts

Hi Rasp,

I'm glad your trial went well! And thank you for your feedback which we always welcome.

Regarding the SQL connection, this is not possible because the Easify Server uses Microsoft SQL LocalDb which does not support simultaneous connections or networked connections. The Easify Server talks to the SQL LocalDb and the Easify Pro clients talk to the Easify Server.

In version 3 we used a version of Microsoft SQL Server that you could connect to remotely, however this was a much more complicated component to auto-install and we had a lot of installation failures caused by the complexity of the SQL Server component. So for Version 4 we decided to greatly improve the reliability of the installer and also the ongoing reliability in general.

MTD is all done, and has been checked over by HMRC and they have given us credentials for their live API. We're in the process of final tests now and release is imminent.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by Rasp

Re: Easify Pro Trial - Thoughts

Thanks for your reply

Would be useful if you commented regard my requests for specific future functions

Or what your plans are after MTD introduction

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