Emailing invoices
I'm trying to email my first invoice.
I have some questions
1. Is there any documentation anywhere on Emailing invoice feature, struggling to find anything useful in the help files?
2. Is it possible to send an invoice after creating an order, sort of on the same screen or on the billing screen? The only way I've found is via the Bulk Invoicing tool where there is a check box to do this?
3. I've put my email credentials in the program. Easify will not let me send an invoice via the Bulk Invoicing tool unless I have the option called "Enable Microsoft Outlook Integration" selected. Doesn't mention this in the "Email" tab of Options>General. This option as you know is in the Document Management tab. Could be improved.
4. I don't have Outlook and would rather not give MS anymore money. Any plans to make this work with Thunderbird or maybe there's a workaround? (Doesn't work in Thunderbird of course, has a fit about ActiveX)
Ta, and thanks for the help, don't get me wrong, I love the software and am much happier with in than using Sage