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 Button to add product to knowledge base

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Posted by tommytowbar

Button to add product to knowledge base


we have a box we can tick to publish to price list what about a tick box to add the product to the knowledge base

Andy Notton

Posted by Richard

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base

Hi Andy, not sure I follow you there. How would the product be added to the knowledgebase?

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by peter

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base

tommytowbar said:


we have a box we can tick to publish to price list what about a tick box to add the product to the knowledge base

Andy Notton

Hi Andy - I wonder why you would want to? I don't ask out of any other reason than wondering if I have missed a trick here? I've always seen the KB as a place to put company wide knowledge such as how to use the telephone in a particular way or perhaps how to engage with a supplier - that sort of thing. Product knowledge perhaps but I assume it to be something fairly special?

Posted by tommytowbar

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base


we can make a product information sheet to sale the products but if we have a problem with a product we can add it to the knowledge base eg errors, testing, checking, what problem have come up fitting it to this car we will have some 15000 -20000 products when we finish


Posted by tommytowbar

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base

Richard said:

Hi Andy, not sure I follow you there. How would the product be added to the knowledgebase?

hi some thing like a pricelist but in the knowledge it set it up for you hope this helps


Posted by Richard

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base

Thanks for the screenshot Andy. Interesting idea.

You could also store this info in the product details info tab.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by tommytowbar

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base


note tab on product is limited and the user i need to access this are fitter etc which i don'nt what on the products just the knowledge base

i have added some screen shots of my knowledge base for you information


Posted by Richard

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base

That's a very good use of the knowledgebase Andy, see where you're coming from.

Going back to your original point of publishing a product to the knowledgebase, I'm not sure how we could implement that. But presumably by publishing to the knowledgebase you would want to create a blank article for the chosen product?

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by tommytowbar

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base

Richard said:

That's a very good use of the knowledgebase Andy, see where you're coming from.

Going back to your original point of publishing a product to the knowledgebase, I'm not sure how we could implement that. But presumably by publishing to the knowledgebase you would want to create a blank article for the chosen product?


Yes just a blank article of that product hope this help as this is what i was using the knowledge base for


Posted by Richard

Re: Button to add product to knowledge base

Thanks Andy, will bear that in mind. It's useful to see how you're all using Easify because it helps shape the way we develop it into the future.

Another thought we had for the KB was to include the ability to apply permissions to each category. for instance you might want to put your bank details in the KB but not want everyone to be able to see them. Would be good if you could specify which users have access to each category so that people can only access the KB info they need.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

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