Bulk Job Cards
Hi is there anyway of adding a drop down box to the bulk invoicing so i could choose to print bulk jobcards , quotes etc.
Hi is there anyway of adding a drop down box to the bulk invoicing so i could choose to print bulk jobcards , quotes etc.
You can already do this.
Just make sure the paperwork item (Job Card, Quote etc...) is assigned to the Order Details window menu in the Paperwork Designer, and the paperwork will appear in the drop down list in the Bulk Invoicer.
See here - https://www.easify.co.uk/Help/paperwork_designer_menu_editor
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)
Hi Richard
It is in the drop down box but will not show any active jobs to be able to print the job card for them, Comes up with ' There are no orders that are not 'Invoiced' and have a status that is of the 'Complete' type
I see what you mean.
We would need to add another drop down list so you could choose to view orders that are not complete with other statuses i.e. Quote in Progress, In Progress etc...
I've raised a feature request for this so we can review it for possible inclusion in a future update. The Feature request ID is #1932.
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)
Hi Richard
Great thanks, look forward to it being included.
Slightly of topic but relivent , Will it be on v4 that this is included ? if so can v3 work of a V4 database?
We have 4 licences but only really need to update 2 to V4 at the moment as the others are tills, Would this work ?
The update would be V4 only.
You'd need to update all your clients to V4, as the V3 client won't work with a V4 server.
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)
Hi Richard
Sorry i know this is probably in the wrong section
Can V4 run on XP and 2003 R2 server,
No worries Jowo - you won't get flamed here just for participating
V4 requires Windows 7 or later, if you need support for XP / Server 2003 you'd need to stick with Easify V3.
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)
Sorry Richard one more question
On your website it mentions v4 is compatible with all versions of Windows server from 2003 so am I right in thinking I could just update my client pc's to Windows 7 and then we would be OK to move to v4
Just to recap
1 x 2003 r2 server
1 x vista's client ( will be swapping to a windows 7 pc )
1 x windows 7 client
2 x xp clients
Hi Jowo,
No problem - ask away
Easify V4 only runs on Server 2008 R2 or later - https://www.easify.co.uk/Help/easify_minimum_requirements
So you would need to run the Easify server on a later version of Windows.
Alternatively, we are releasing a new product - Easify Cloud Server next week which is where we host your Easify Server for you in the Azure cloud. This would allow you to just update the clients and have your server hosted by us in the cloud.
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)