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 trade And Retail customers and prices

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Posted by ste

trade And Retail customers and prices


Is it possible to create a customer that is trade specific, exp,

Bob,John and Mark are retail customers so when i enter an item via epos for widget A the price is retail, lets say £5.99.

Now In comes another customer, call him Paul, that is trade and buys the same widget for £2.50, but when I enter it via epos it still comes up at the retail price.

How can i set all the items that Paul buys to the trade price?



Posted by John

Re: trade And Retail customers and prices

You should tick the trade account tick box found here:

Customers > Edit Customer > Account > Trade Account

This means when that customer is added to an order all prices are displayed at their trade value.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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