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 Formula Editor - Value Formula

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Posted by BrockleyJohn

Formula Editor - Value Formula

Hi, I'm doing a custom invoice.

As you probably know, the order product price inc VAT returns zero, so I'm trying to work around it using the formula editor.

Adding the following formula using the syntax on the site to the existing "mergefield":

return ({Order.Product.SellPriceExTax1} * (1 +{Order.Product.TaxRate1}));

gives this error:

[quote:3221dgsm]Error executing formula (Order.Product.SellPriceIncTax1).

Error: An unexpected error occured while parsing the script

Additional Info: Jint.JintException: no viable alternative at input 'Order' at line 1:10

missing RPAREN at '}' at line 1:39

at Jint.JintEngine.Compile(String source, Boolean debugInformation)

at Jint.JintEngine.Run(String script, Boolean unwrap)[/quote:3221dgsm]

The curly braces look fine to me - where's the problem?

Perhaps I should state the obvious: the field is being used on an order details line.

web developer & integrator, Easify reseller, based in south London

Posted by John

Re: Formula Editor - Value Formula

You have a 1 at the end of each merge field names, as these names don't exists it means your merge fields aren't being replaced before it goes into the Java parser.

Try this instead:

return ({Order.Product.SellPriceIncTax} * (1 + {Order.Product.TaxRate}));

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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