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 Show and Hide section if blank

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Posted by rizo9

Show and Hide section if blank

I've made some alterations to the delivery note and require it to display internal notes if there are any but be hidden if there are none.

I've created a new section and ticked the box to hide if blank.

Just need the coding to hide if internal notes are blank.

also need to hide the text box "Internal Notes" if there are none which will in turn hide the section.


Posted by John

Re: Show and Hide section if blank

This can be done by right clicking the section and selecting "Section Editor".

Then ticking "Hide section if blank" for the section you wish.

Please note: sections are classed as blank / empty if there is no data available for any data fields in the section. Text fields are not classed as having data, so do not affect the result.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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