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 Linking identical products from different suppliers

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

Linking identical products from different suppliers


Our previous till/stock software allowed us to link to identical items that were purchased from 2 different suppliers to get an overall stock figure.

One supplier of cake boxes gives us a great price but has a high minimum order - the other can deliver twice a week but not such a great price..

We obviously try to keep to the first supplier but obviously there are times when you need to use the second..

Can we achieve this using Easify??




www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by John

Re: Linking identical products from different suppliers

Thanks for your feedback, Easify currently only supports a single supplier per product record.

This is already a long standing feature request that will be added into Easify at some point in the future.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by farmer

Re: Linking identical products from different suppliers

Is there any possibility that this could be added in the next update

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