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 stock quantity not reducing..

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

stock quantity not reducing..


I've only put a couple of purchases on the system and one order which has been completed and delivered..but the stock doesn't seem to have reduced from the order..

the stock items all have enable stock control ticked..for example Drum 14" Round - showing as 7 in stock..

2 deliveries of +3 and +4 and one sale of 3 but stock remains at 7..

What am I doing wrong????



www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by SugarCraftShop

Re: stock quantity not reducing..

hello..!! nudge...nudge..would kinda like to sort out some more orders but holding off untill this is sorted.. will try and update and see if it fixes it..


www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by John

Re: stock quantity not reducing..

Could you make sure you have set your stock control mode to the correct setting? Here is our support article for this topic:


Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

Re: stock quantity not reducing..how to fix it?


Knew it would be something I couldn't see for looking!!!!

Ok so what do I do now ? I've changed it to automatic so do I have to do a manual change to stock quantities to correct them?? or ....

Ta v much



www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by John

Re: stock quantity not reducing..

Yes, if you have been using the manual stock control mode for a while, it would not have been reducing your stock automatically. Therefore we'd recommend you perform a stock take to bring everything back in line.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

Like our facebook page and always get the latest updates!

Posted by SugarCraftShop

Re: stock quantity not reducing..

BRILL.. thought so - many thanks..just so busy at the min.. 



www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

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