Formula Editor
I am having issues with teh formula editor.
For example, in the Delivery Note I would like to display both Invoice address and Delivery address, however if I have no delivery address in client I would like that the Text Field that reads "Deliver To" and the Field containing the address (Order.Customer.FormattedDelNameAndAddress) are not displayed.
I therefore use
return ({Order.Customer.FormattedDelNameAndAddress} == '');
I however am not managing to get this to work and keep getting NullReferenceExceptions thrown when there is a delivery address for the customer. If I have no address I get no error.
Error executing formula (Text11).
Error: An unexpected error occured while parsing the script
Additional Info: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ES3Parser.leftHandSideExpression()
at ES3Parser.postfixExpression()
at ES3Parser.unaryExpression()
at ES3Parser.multiplicativeExpression()
at ES3Parser.additiveExpression()
at ES3Parser.shiftExpression()
at ES3Parser.relationalExpression()
at ES3Parser.equalityExpression()
at ES3Parser.bitwiseANDExpression()
at ES3Parser.bitwiseXORExpression()
at ES3Parser.bitwiseORExpression()
at ES3Parser.logicalANDExpression()
at ES3Parser.logicalORExpression()
at ES3Parser.conditionalExpression()
at ES3Parser.assignmentExpression()
at ES3Parser.expression()
at ES3Parser.returnStatement()
at ES3Parser.statementTail()
at ES3Parser.statement()
at ES3Parser.sourceElement()
at ES3Parser.program()
at Jint.JintEngine.Compile(String source, Boolean debugInformation)
at Jint.JintEngine.Run(String script, Boolean unwrap)