Multi-Currency Support
We are having issues with Easify when it comes to purchasing. We purchase goods from several countries all over the world and as you can imagine they all have different currencies so when I come to order I get stuck with an issue that I can only process with a large effort.
To give you an example our base currency is Euro and we need to purchase something from the UK, so we create a PO with the UK prices and change the currency symbol in Options --> Finance --> Regional Settings from Euro to GBP. We then print/save the PO with the GBP symbol. We then change back the currency symbol not to disrupt other operations.
Once the goods are paid for we see the value we paid in Euro and adjust the items in the invoice to be their respective value in Euro. We can then process the payment and have our account in order.
As you can imagine this is quite elaborate and we are needing to do this more and more. Is there a better way to do this? Do you plan multi-currency support anytime soon? I am sure this is a feature that will aid in selling your product as all companies importing goods will come across this issue.