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 Bulk invoice printing for FP8 - your views?

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Posted by Richard

Bulk invoice printing for FP8 - your views?

We've been discussing the possibilities of implementing a bulk invoicing system for Easify for possible inclusion in Feature Pack 8, and would be interested to hear anyone's views or suggestions regarding this...

FP8 is being aimed for a November 2013 release date, and we're going to be releasing a list of the FP8 updates in the next week or so.

In the meantime, please feel free to pitch in here on the subject of Bulk Invoice printing.

The idea so far is to create a new Window that will list all of the orders that are due for invoicing. You would be able to scroll through the list and tick an order to say whether you want to Print the invoice to paper, print the invoice to PDF (if you have the DMS enabled) and also print the invoice to PDF and email it (if you have DMS and Outlook enabled).

This way you will be able to look at your invoicing (say once per week) and easily print out all of the invoices in one go without having to drill into each and every invoice to print it.

Another possibility in doing this would be to also incorporate envelope printing at the same time, so if you use the Easify envelope printing feature we may be able to link this in so that you can print invoices and envelopes. (This may not be doable in the time available - but I'd be interested to hear whether you would find this useful!).

Also we have the possibility to look at implementing automated bulk printing/emailing of customer statements and again I'd love to hear your views on this along with any suggestions that would make your lives easier. No guarantees that we will be able to code this for FP8 but any input you can give us will be noted and considered for when we are able to add the feature.

So please fire away! Keep this topic just about bulk invoicing/statements and if you have any questions or suggestions for other FP8 related updates feel free to create another topic to discuss it.

Thanks as always!  

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by KLK

Re: Bulk invoice printing for FP8 - your views?

Hi Richard, anything to make life easier, I have previously posted requests for e-mailing of customer statements and envelope printing so yes I would like to see this implemented asap.


Posted by lja-lechka

Re: Bulk invoice printing for FP8 - your views?

Hi Richard,

That's should be fantastic for my business. As I have shop on ebay with tight and stockings I do sell them a lot. Every Monday I should print at least up to 70-90 Invoices. It also would be just great if before print them in bulk I could set all orders in bulk at one time to Delivered, Invoiced, Completed and then print all the Invoices with not need to go inside every each order. Really takes long time to do it now! Hope might be solved for the next update.

Regards. Olga

www.ollina.co.uk - Just pamper your legs...!

Posted by Richard

Re: Bulk invoice printing for FP8 - your views?

That's a great suggestion Olga, will add it to our feature request list.

Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)

Posted by lja-lechka

Re: Bulk invoice printing for FP8 - your views?

Richard said:

That's a great suggestion Olga, will add it to our feature request list.

Thank you very much  ! Hope it might be helpful for many other sellers like me.

www.ollina.co.uk - Just pamper your legs...!

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