WD202 Pole Wrapping Text
I have a WD-202 Pole on USB com port 4, I have checked the dip settings on the pole and checked they are set to (1 Off, 2 On, 3 on, 4 Off, 5 Off, 6 On, 7 On, 8 Off, 9 On, 10 on, 11 Off) I have checked the com port and it is 9600, 8 bits Non parity. I have also read through forum and WD-202 manual. The problem I have is the Text is repeating and wrapping IE our Pole Text is SAFARI ISLAND but this wraps and messes with the text over to two lines to look like:
landafari Islandafar
i Islandafari Island
When I process a sale it does this (Please pretend the dollar sign is a pound sign my keyboard is set wrong) :
otal $4.00 0oodle Dud
es Q$4.00
In this case it has changed the product first letter from a "D" to a number"0" and wrapped
When the sale is finished the pole reverts to this:
Island4.00afari Isla
ndafari Islandafari
Again missing text , wrapping text and leaving the numbers for the sale total intact.
Thank you