Invoice Header and Footer
Hi, I need to have a different header or footer for delivery notes (or orders with status delivery) than for invoices, please let me know how this can be done. Thanks in advance.
Hi, I need to have a different header or footer for delivery notes (or orders with status delivery) than for invoices, please let me know how this can be done. Thanks in advance.
Hi Omer,
You need to customise the RTP Report File to do this.
Christian Ransley B.Sc.
Yes Chris is right,
In order to have a different header and footer display on your delivery note report than your invoice report, the report file itself 'C:\Program Files\Easify\reports\DeliveryNote.rpt' would need to be edited using a Crystal Reports editor.
Alternatively we can perform this change for a nominal fee.
Please drop us an email,, if you'd like to discuss this option with us.
Happy to help - John (Easify Support)
This now doable in the new Feature Pack 8 Paperwork Designer...
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)