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 Windows 8 woes...

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Posted by legrant

Windows 8 woes...

Hi folks,

Just put my machine onto Windows 8 RTM. Found a few glitches.

The scrolling banner on the main interface. It now reads:

Conversion from string "31/08/2012" to type 'Date' is not valid.

Also I cannot add products. When I go to the pricing, the cost price is headed with a $ and when I try to enter the numbers as usual, I get the error message:

'Trade price must be a valid number'

Both of the other machines on our system (Windows 7 & Windows XP) are as normal. We're on Easify

Would updating to the latest Easify solve the glitch or should I hang on?

Kindest Regards,


Posted by John

Re: Windows 8 woes...

These issues are related to the 'Regional Settings' and aren't directly related to you having installed Easify on a Windows 8 machine.

In your 'Regional Settings' please change the country to United Kingdom so that the date and currency formats are compatible with Easify.

Just a word of caution, Easify hasn't been tested in a Windows 8 environment at this time so there may be some issues that crop up. Please let us know if you run into any issues and we will be sure to investigate when we get round to testing Easify for Windows 8.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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