Deleting entire product database
Can I easily delete my entire product database and start again?
Version 3.
Many thanks
Can I easily delete my entire product database and start again?
Version 3.
Many thanks
Not from within Easify.
The only way to do this would be to completely uninstall Easify V3 and do a fresh install of it.
We have a guide on how to completely unsinstall Easify V3 here
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)
if we upgraded to version 4 would there be an option to not copy products across?
What data is it that you would want to keep?
If you delete products these would also be deleted from orders and purchases and would destroy any history that you have.
Regards - Richard (Easify Developer)
tbh we don't need to keep much so a fresh install might actually be better. We have never used it to its full potential so don't draw reports from it to date.
It's full of stock years old and 100's of empty categories. Just a mess and I would like to get it working for us properly.
Do you offer in person training if we upgrade to 4?
Stefan said:
If you were to upgrade to the Cloud version of V4 we could port your customer list over, btut not the orders and products etc so everything would be as new, apart from your clients list.
Stefan said:
Do you offer in person training if we upgrade to 4?
We don't offer in-person training, however we do offer remote/telephone training which may be purchased via our website.