Security - User Permissions Reference

Security - User Permissions Reference


User can access the accounting system: Allows user to access the financial reports under the Reports->Finance menu.

User can view product sales history: With this permission granted the user can view Product Sales History in the Products, Customers and Suppliers windows if they have permission to access to them.

User is allowed to export sales data: The user can export sales data from Easify to CSV file.

User is allowed access to the End of Day (Z) Report: The user is allowed to print a Z report from the main Easify Reports->Finance->End of Day (Z) Report menu. They are also allowed to zero the till and to cash up at the end of the day. If a user without this permission tries to cash up a till, they will be prompted to enter the username and password of someone that does have this permission. This allows a supervisor to authorise the cashing up without the user having to log off Easify.

User is allowed to use Advanced Payments for orders: When taking payments for orders (or making payments for purchases) in the Orders & Quotes or Purchases window, this permission allows the user to change to advanced payments mode. Without this permission users can enter payment details by simply entering the payment amount split by cash, card, cheque and other method. If the user has permission to enter advanced payment mode they can enter more details such as payment date, which account to pay into, cheque/ref no. and also payment comments.

User is allowed to export all transactions: If the user has this permission they will be allowed to export all transactions via the main Easify File->Export->All Transactions menu.

User can change invoiced status of an order in the Order Details window: If the user has this permission they will be allowed to change an order to be invoiced on the billing tab of an order in the Order Details window without having access to other accounting or billing facilities. This is useful if you want people to be able to print invoices but don't want to give them full access to billing and accounting. If the user has this permission and not the User can access the accounting system permission, they will be able to access the billing tab in the Order Details window, but the other billing controls on that tab will be disabled e.g. Payment Terms, Paid, Payment History etc...

Backup and Restore

User is allowed to backup the Easify database: Allows the user to backup the Easify database via the Tools menu.

User is allowed to restore Easify from a backup: Allows the user to restore a backup of the Easify database via the Tools menu. You will probably want to restrict which users can use this feature as restoring your Easify database should only be done in the event of a disaster.


User can access the customers window: Enabling this permission will allow the user to open the customers window.

User is allowed to export customers: Whether the user is allowed to export the Easify customer list to a file.

User is allowed to change customer account terms, trade and credit: Allows the user to manage account terms and credit.

User is allowed to import customers: Enabling this permission will allow the user to import customer records from a CSV file.


User can debug system: This permission reserved for future use.

User can access the Knowledgebase: Allows the user to open the Knowledgebase.

User can delete Knowledgebase articles: Grant this permission if you want the user to be able to delete knowledgebase articles.

User is allowed to schedule orders, purchases & backups: This permission will allow the user to create scheduled orders, purchases and backups.


User is allowed to access the options menu: Enable this if you want the user to be able to gain access to Easify options.

User can change VAT settings: Enabling this permission will allow the user to be able to change Easify VAT settings. You will probably not want to enable this permission for most users as VAT settings are generally set one time, or VAT rates are changed.

User is allowed to access the options menu EPOS tab: Enable this permission to let the user make changes to EPOS setting in the Options window,

User is allowed to access the options menu Quotes & Orders tab: Allows the user to make changes to the Quotes & Orders settings of the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Email Notifications tab: Granting this permission enables the user to edit Email Notification settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Products tab: Allow the user to edit Products settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Payment Terms tab: Allow the user to edit Payment Terms settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Purchasing tab: Allow the user to edit Purchasing settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Order Types tab: Allow the user to edit Order Types settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Default Margins tab: Allow the user to edit Default Margins settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Customers tab: Allow the user to edit Customers settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu General tab: Allow the user to edit General settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Finance tab: Allow the user to edit Finance settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Document Management tab: Allow the user to edit Document Management settings in the Options window.

User is allowed to access the options menu Advanced Server Settings tab: This setting is no longer used.

User is allowed to access the options menu Order Statuses tab: Allow the user to edit Order Statuses settings in the Options window.

Orders & Quotes

User can access the orders screen: Enable this permission to allow the user to access the Orders & Quotes window.

User is allowed to move orders to completed status: The user is allowed to change an orders status to completed in the Easify back office (order details window).


User can use the Paperwork Designer: Enable this permission to allow the user to use the Paperwork Designer.

NOTE: There will be additional permissions in the Paperwork category, one for each document that has been created with the Paperwork Designer. Each document will have its own permission here.
Point of Sale

User can access the EPOS system: Enable this permission to allow the user to access the Point of Sale window.

User is allowed to open the till by pressing Ctrl+O: In the POS the till (if present) can be opened by pressing Ctrl+O or by pressing the open till button. This permission allows the user to do so.

User is allowed to give discounts via POS F6: This permission allows a user to give discounts to customers in the POS by pressing the F6 (Discounts) button.


User can upload updates to website: This permission will allow the user to re-publish (upload to website) all of your published products via the main Easify Products->Re-publish all Products to Website menu option.

User is allowed to run automated price checks: This permission reserved for future use.

User can edit manufacturers: Enable this permission to allow the user to access the Manufacturers window.

Users can access the Products screen: Enable this permission to allow the user to access the Products window.

Users is allowed to import product data: Enable this permission to allow the user to import products from CSV or TAB files.

User is allowed to edit the product location list: This permission allows the user to edit the product location list either from the main Easify Products->Product Locations menu, or by adding them directly to the Location drop down list in the product details window.

User is allowed to export product data: Allows the user to export a list of Easify products to CSV file via the Easify File->Export->Products menu.

User is allowed to create/edit/delete stock items: Allows the user to edit product details.

User can view ECommerce Channel Manager: Allows the user to view the Easify ECommerce Channel Manager.

User can manage/edit ECommerce Channels: Allows the user to edit ECommerce channels.


User is allowed to access the purchasing window: With this permission the user can gain access to the purchasing window.

User is allowed to export purchase data: Allows the user to export purchases to CSV file.

User is allowed to set purchases to received state: Allows the user to set the status of a purchase to received in the Easify back office.


User can access production reports: With this permission the user can gain access to the main Easify Reports->Production menu.


User is allowed to manage other users logins: Grant a user this permission if you would like them to be able to manage other users in Easify.

User is allowed to view history event log: Allows the user to review the Easify history event log. Generally you would only allow this permission for supervisors or managers.

User can edit this Easify Server via Easify Connection Manager : Allows the user to make changes to the Easify Server such as authorising for local and remote connections and resolving restore conflicts via the Easify Connection Manager.


User can access suppliers window: Enable this permission to allow the user to access the Suppliers window.

Task Scheduler

User is allowed to create backup tasks: This permission will allow the user to create scheduled backup tasks.

User is allowed to edit backup tasks: This permission will allow the user to edit scheduled backup tasks.

User is allowed to create orders & quotes tasks: This permission will allow the user to create scheduled orders tasks.

User is allowed to edit orders & quotes tasks: This permission will allow the user to edit scheduled orders tasks.

User is allowed to create purchases tasks: This permission will allow the user to create scheduled purchases tasks.

User is allowed to edit purchases tasks: This permission will allow the user to edit scheduled purchases tasks.

Column Permissions

Users can customise which columns are shown in the main back office windows (Customers, Products, Orders & Quotes & Purchases). Each column has a related permission that allows you to control which users are allowed to view which column.

Column permissions in the User Permissions section of the edit user window are hidden by default in order to reduce clutter, they can be shown by clicking the Show Column Permissions tick box.

The column permissions are self explanatory and will not be listed here.

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