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 Cake Box Dilemma

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

Cake Box Dilemma

Hi again.

One manufacturer sells cake boxes as 2 items, ie a lid and a base, however we sell it as one item. When we stock order from them we must remember to purchase both items... But then on arrival we must recalulate costs per item (ie box and lid) to sell.

Any suggestions how we can easily order and retail these items using easify?



www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by John

Re: Cake Box Dilemma

If you always order them as a pair, you could have a single product to represent the product you sell. When using the purchasing system, you could type in "base" manually as a line item so you can mark when that particular base has been received but it won't then give you a problem with stock levels.

This scenario has been described by many and so we're hoping to include a bill of materials feature in a future update that covers this functionality.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

Re: Cake Box Dilemma

lol - ok I have had a thought...would this be a way round..

So..a cake box = a base + a lid

I buy bases and lids as 2 separate items but want to sell it as a single item - a cake box

SO I buy a pack of lids and a pack of bases - SELL a pack of lids and a pack of bases to myself

and then return a pack of cake boxes to the stock item 'cake box'..thus 2 items become 1..




www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by John

Re: Cake Box Dilemma

Easify doesn't handle billing materials, therefore it is not possible to link your materials directly from purchase to order in this way. It is possible to link an order to a purchase via its order number for a certain amount of traceability.

Please watch out for a future free update where a billing materials feature becomes available.

Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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