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 Install problems for client..

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Posted by SugarCraftShop

Install problems for client..

PC Office - User Bonzo - running easify for DB Bonzo the barking baker(this will be backed up and moved to new business later)

PC Shop - User SCS Staff - running easify for DB SugarCraftShop

So set up PC Office User SCS MC1 to run client to link to PC Shop DB SugarCraftShop

on install on this PC to new folder 'Easify scs client' but we don't get the DB 'direction screen' it goes straight to the install to folder option screen..so select the new folder and then it goes to install fails..


Ta much



www.SugarCraftShop.co.uk Whatever your cake desires...

Posted by John

Re: Install problems for client..

If you are running an older version of Easify, we'd recommend downloading the latest version.

I'd recommend uninstalling Easify from the client computer (the one that doesn't hold the database), then attempt another reinstall. This should then allow you to point the client computer to the database as described in this forum post:


Happy to help - John (Easify Support)

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