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Product Sales History

Easify features a built in real-time Product Sales History that allows you to see how your products have been selling over time.

The Product Sales History is accessible in a number of places throughout Easify which we will cover later in this section. In the meantime we will go over the basic functionality of the Product Sales History.

Choosing a Date Range 
You can choose the range of dates that you would like to look at using the From and To date pickers.

When you have chosen your desired date range click the search button (Binoculars) alongside the date pickers to apply your date range.

Note: You can also type the dates you want into each field of the date pickers to save time (for months type the month number). Also when you pop-up the calendar of the date picker, you can click the Month Year value in the top centre of the calendar to see a month picker, and clicking the Year at the top centre of the month picker will allow you to see a Year picker. 

You can also choose from a set of pre-defined date ranges by clicking the date range buttons.

From left to right these buttons will select a date range of 1 day, 7 days, past month, past year and all time.

Saving Product Sales History to File
Clicking the Save button allows you to save the current product history view to a CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file.

Choosing Which Columns You See
You can choose which columns you want to see in your Product Sales History by clicking the Columns fly-out button and selecting from the columns that are displayed to you.

You can also re-order the columns by dragging them into a different position by their headers.

Each window that the Product Sales History appears in will keep its own column list. This allows you to have a different set of columns in each place that you view the Product Sales History.

Viewing Sales Totals
In the bottom left of the Product Sales History is a status bar that displays the totals for the columns that you have visible.


Note: Not every column will create a totaliser in the status bar, it wouldn't make sense to try to add up Customer Address 1 for instance.

If you view a column such as Order Net Total be aware that this total allows for the fact that a product may be listed several times on one order. The Order Net Total will only be counted once for each order that is present, not once for each product that appears in the list. This ensures that Order Net Total is accurately totalled.

Popping Out the Window for More Screen Real-Estate
If you find that there are too many columns and the view you are in cannot be re-sized. Click the Pop-out button to have the Product Sales History pop-out of its current location and become a re-sizable Window of its own.


Quick Access to Other Areas of Easify
If you double click any of the cells within the Product Sales History, the corresponding record will be opened in Easify. For instance, if you double click a Customer Name cell, the customer record for that customer will open.


Similarly if you double click a Date Ordered cell, the order details will open etc...

Where You Will Find the Product Sales History

We have made the Product Sales History accessible from wherever it will be most useful. It can be found in the following locations.

Products Main Window
The Product Sales History is viewable in the bottom right of the main Products Window.


If you can't see the Product Sales History here, make sure you have clicked the Show/Hide Product Info Pane button.


In this location, selecting a product in the Products Window will load its sales history into the Product Sales History panel.

Product Details Window
The Product Sales History is also viewable in the History tab of the Product Details Window.


In this location, the Product Sales History panel displays a list of all of the customers that have purchased that product for the given time period.

Customers Main Window
The Product Sales History is viewable in the bottom right of the main Customers Window.


If you can't see the Product Sales History here, make sure you have clicked the Show/Hide Customer Info Pane button.


In this location, selecting a customer in the Customers Window will load their purchase history into the Product Sales History panel. Here you will see all of the products they have purchased for the given time period.

Customer Details Window
The Product Sales History is viewable in the Product History tab of the Customer Details Window.


In this location, the Product Sales History panel displays all of the products that the customer has purchased for the given time period.

Suppliers Main Window
The Product Sales History is viewable in the bottom right of the main Suppliers Window.


If you can't see the Product Sales History here, make sure you have clicked the Show/Hide Supplier Info Pane button.


In this location, selecting a supplier in the Suppliers Window will load a list of all of the products you have sold from that supplier into the Product Sales History panel.


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