Easify News - 8th January 2016

Today sees the release of the latest version of Easify along with a new version of the Easify Advanced Server Upgrade (EASU).

Both EASU and Easify 3.85 are FREE upgrades for existing users and bring you more new features, updates and bug fixes. Read on to find out what's new in our latest upgrade...

Easify Client Software V3.85

The main focus of Easify V3.85 is to provide features that are required by the latest version of EASU (V1.0.0.3) in order to provide improved integration with Wordpress/WooCommerce websites.

Also in this version are a number of minor bug fixes and tweaks that improve small value VAT rounding in certain scenarios.

An issue has been resolved in the paperwork designer, where saving to PDF could give unexpected results. A potential overflow error in teh paperwork Designer has also been resolved.

For new installs, the database engine has been upgraded to the latest service pack for users on Windows 7 or later.

Various minor tweaks to the Easify installer.

You can download Easify V3.85 here.

What's New in EASU V1.0.0.3

New for EASU V1.0.0.3 are a number of new API methods that allow you to integrate more closely with Easify.

Also included are upgrades to better support the requirements of the latest version on Wordpress/WooCommerce.

This release also includes minor bug fixes and updates, including improvements to the outbound queue handler.

The EASU V1.0.0.3 installer has also been upgraded to better support EASU installations on later operating systems including Windows 10.

You can download EASU V1.0.0.3 here.

The EASU V1.0.0.3 programmers guide can be downloaded here.

EASU Technical Information

Please Note

If you are planning on upgrading your EASU installation from version (July 2013) to please read through this document to be made aware of the latest changes that could affect your Easify middleware system (the interface between your ecommerce website and the EASU web services).

EASU V1.0.0.3 should only be installed on an Easify database with a version of 3.85.

Newly Added Web Service Methods

Easify Inbound Customers
InsertCustomer(ExtCustomerId, Title, FirstName, Surname, JobTitle, Department, CompanyName, Address1, Address2, Address3, Town, County, Postcode, Country, WorkTel, HomeTel, Mobile, OtherTel, Fax, Email, WebAddress, Notes, SubscribeToNewsletter, bool TradeAccount, decimal CreditLimit, DeliveryTitle, DeliveryFirstName, DeliverySurname, DeliveryJobTitle, DeliveryDepartment, DeliveryCompanyName, DeliveryAddress1, DeliveryAddress2, DeliveryAddress3, DeliveryTown, DeliveryCounty, DeliveryPostcode, DeliveryCountry, DeliveryTel, DeliveryEmail, PaymentTermsId, RelationshipId, CustomerTypeId, PrivateKey)

Adds a new customer record to the Easify database

Easify Inbound Orders
InsertOrder(ExtOrderNo, ExtCustomerId, DatePlaced, StatusId, Paid, CustomerRef, Invoiced, DateInvoiced, Comments, DateOrdered, DatePaid, DueDate, DueTime, Scheduled, Duration, Priority, Recurring, RecurTimePeriod, UseTradeMargins, DueDate2, DueTime2, DueDuration2, OrderType, PaymentTermsId, PrivateKey)

Adds a new order record to the Easify database

InsertOrderDetail(Sku, Qty, Price, Comments, TaxRate, TaxId, Spare, ExtParentId, ExtOrderDetailsId, ExOrderNo, AutoAllocateStock, PrivateKey)

Adds a new order detail / line item to the desired Easify Order

UpdateOrderStatus(PrivateKey, OrderNo, StatusId)

Updates the desired order's status

Easify Inbound Payments
InsertPayment(PaymentDate, PaymentAccountId, TransactionRef, PaymentMethodId, PaymentTypeId, ExtOrderNo, Comments, Amount, PrivateKey)

Adds a new payment record related to the desired Easify Order

Easify Inbound Products
SetStockLevel(PrivateKey, OurStockCode, StockLevel)

Updates the stock level of the desired product by matching its Our Stock Code field


Returns a table representing the stock levels of all products in the Easify database

GetProductsBySubCategory(PrivateKey, SubCategoryId)

Returns a collection of products based on the given sub category id

UpdateStockLevel(PrivateKey, SKU, Qty)

Updates the stock level of the desired product

Newly Added Product Fields

Weight <String>

The weight of the product, no unit measure is presumed.

DateAdded <DateTime>

The date the product was added to the Easify database

Modified Web Service Methods

Easify Outbound Products
UploadProduct(Product, PrivateKey)

The definition of the Product parameter has changed (ShopOMaticData.Products.ProductDetails)

Easify Inbound Products
GetProductDetailsByEasifySKU(PrivateKey, SKU)

The definition of the return type has changed (ShopOMaticData.Products.ProductDetails)

Easify Web Service

The definition for this class, which represents incoming products from the EASU server, must be updated with two new attributes. Weight (String) and DateAdded (DateTime).


This method needs to handle the two new product attributes. Weight (String) and DateAdded (DateTime).

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